Ian Roe


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  • Milky Lunch
    Used to buy loads of these,they were cheap but lovely.think they had a blue/white wrapper and were milky ways competitor.
  • Cuppas
    You could also get them with coffee and also hot chocolate,they were not on sale for that long and soon vanished from the shelves.
  • Lucky Bags
    made my day when i once found an old threepenny piece in a lucky bag!
  • Spangles
    these are the spangles i(think)i remember in their own packs,mixed fruits,old english,blackcurrant,cool clear mints(like a foxes glacier),orange and lemon,and mint spangles which were square with a hole in the middle.
  • Banjo chocolate bars
    before they were named banjo i think they were called trophy,but i believe they were forced to change there name as there was already another product called trophy.
  • Mintolas
    mintolas are still going,but are now called after eight!,munchies are biscuit/caramel and they are still going,there was also a similar product for a while called delights,which was same design as munchies/mintola but were turkish delight inside.as you say they were a lot more expensive to buy.
  • Christmas Selection Box
    anyone remember the trebor selection box?,contained mints,chews,and things like cherry drops.

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