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  • The Eggs
    i don't know if this is the same thing, but i had a stuffed bunny that had ears that would zip up around him to form an easter egg?
  • Popples
    i had a couple. one hot pink i think with some blue on it. the other one was white.
  • Space Pets
    i vaguely remember having a couple, and thinking they were cool, but i can't remember what kind. i remember the style and the pump though.
  • Boglins
    these were so much fun. we had a green one. it was hideous and adorable all at the same time
  • Snoopy Sno Cone Machine
    we had one of these! they were so much fun until someone lost the blade (i think my kid brothers were trying to use it as a weapon of some sort)
  • Poison Perfume
    i actually kind of like this one. it definitely has a chemically smell, but there's a subtle hint of crayon scent to it that makes me feel like a kid every time i smell it.
  • Electric Youth
    ugh.... yes. i owned this and exclamation when i was 12. it was absolutely hideous, but i thought it was soooooooo cool.

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