cathy steen


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  • Tudor Crisps
    Roast beef and pickle tudor specials, heaven. Why do they stop making these things? Im sure whoever bought out tudor are perfectly capable of producing these again.
  • United Biscuits
    Used to have these in my packed lunch in school. I would slowly break them into 3 chunks and suck the choc off each one before eating the biscuit. Wish they would come back. How about a campaign???
  • Galaxy Counters
    Yep, the bag was sort of small white coloured and I can remember a giraffe leaning down eating numbered counters! thank goodness they are back, different packaging sadly but much bigger bags and taste fab.
  • Crazy Foam
    Oh I had this. I think parents everywhere must have hated the mess it made though. I distinctly remember the smell it had lol
  • Petite Post Office
    I had one of these too. I absolutely loved it. Funny post offices dont really appeal to me now!!

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