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  • Naf Naf
    cant believe I found this, I was only talking about my younger dayz recently and how there was better trends set by artists. I use to love my Naf Naf puffa, I even found my rare fila puffa with fur hood the other day in the loft. Man who remembers troop and BK (british knights) not the pikey british nicks that also killed decent stuff off like the naf co market rubbish. I used to walk round with a flat top with good knows what shaved in my hair, like a chess board one side and nike swoosh and pattern on the other, thoguht I was kid and play from house party! yo yo you know dat, normski's in the house....buying my copy of hiphop connection reading bout up and coming hiphop artists. Remember lovin silver bullet 20 seconds to comply, and blade was top. You could tell back then what someone was into by what they were wearing, chipie jeans with pin roles defo hiphop...... soda pop baggies and tye dye hoodies were big with some ravers and happy monday fans, big acid smiley faces everywhere on t-shirts and flyers on the streets, all the good hiphop djs crossing over to the darkside.... I gunna take you back, way back......back into time!

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