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  • Ready Set Spaghetti
    We have this game - was my husbands favourite game when he was little and we still play it now.
  • I Vant To Bite Your Finger
    laughed to see this cos my husband was just talking about it 2 days ago, says it scared him as a kid - he was really frightened to put his finger in!! I think i can just about remember it.
  • Don't Panic!
    we often play this as a family cos it hasthe 2 levels of questions. Bought it for my son when he was about 9 (now 22) but the nephews/nieces still enjoy it.
  • Run Rabbit Run
    I had this game and loved it - the rabbits definitely started to lie down. Loved all games with a 'pop-o-matic' dice!!
  • Holly Hobbie
    ii had a holly hobbie 'travel' house which coud be carried about. The front dropped down and there were characters and furniture in it. It REALLY was one of my favourite toys ever!!

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