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  • Raleigh Chopper
    The greatest bike there ever was - I had a silver mk 2 in 1977 ( wasn't the ltd edition though ). I still have one on the wall in the garage, the kids think it weird looking. Remember kids "this bicycle is not constructed to carry passengers" yeah right
  • Rubik's Cube
    Used to complete the cubes for all the kids in class - got fairly quick at it at the time - although nothing like the crazy speedcubers. Can still do it - I'll knw I've lost my mind when I'm unable to do it !
  • Slogans on T-Shirts
    Yes I had an Adolf T-Shirt very funny at the time ! Earlier in the 80's the main one was Frankie Says Relax ! and Choose Life by Wham ! good grief!
  • White and burgundy socks
    The trend for the boys was white terry towelling socks - not that they stayed white for very long !

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