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  • 255 Computer Command
    I just got another corvette off eBay and it works great so now I have three vettes and two Datsuns
  • 255 Computer Command
    I have two corvettes and two Datsuns that I got off eBay they work great!
  • 255 Computer Command
    i just got another 280zx off ebay with instrutions so now i have two and i have one corvette and they all work cool.
  • 255 Computer Command
    my corvette did not make accurate turns but i fixed it the same way that i fixed my 280zx and they both work great now.
  • 255 Computer Command
    i have the 280zx and the corvette and i figured out why they dont make accurate turns and i fixed the 280zx now i am going to fix the corvette

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