Technology TECH


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As a lover of technology and photographic kit, Dixons in the late 70s and early 80s was techno heaven. Decent cameras and lenses, Prinz binoculars, Chinon stuff. Heady stuff.

My favourite purchase was a Prinztronic TV computer game. TV tennis (Pong?) 2 speeds, 2 bat sizes wow!

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Do You Remember Dixons?

Do You Remember Dixons?

  • Anonymous user
    I remember as a child getting our first computer at dixons, amstrad cpc 464 and our first VHS video recorder after years of having a grundig 2000
  • Aura
    Dixons in Salisbury used to be in the Old George Mall, before Currys took it over.
  • Anonymous user
    Ah! rows of home computers consisting of Dragon 32s, BBCs, Spectrums, Commodores, Ataris, the lot. All waiting for some kid to type: 10 print "Dixons is shite" 20 goto 10
  • Anonymous user
    Dixons in the 70's was the only high street store that had big reel to reel tape recorders (I can remember hearing one playing David Bowie's "Fame" circa 1975). I do remember seeing one of the 1st big philips VCR's in there for 700 quid!! I also remember Dixons flogging "end of line" specials such as polavision the instant cine film in a cartridge system that failed before video came in & killed cine.