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  • Kenny Everett Video Show
    Kenny E was an absolute, boundary pushing comedy genius! My favourite sketch was his impersonation of Rod Stewart, where his bum would inflate discretely in-between camera cuts untill it was so big he floated away. Miss you, Kenny! x
  • Sparky
    I loved these annuals when I was a lad. Around the mid to late seventies. Far better characters, stories, art artwork than any other comic of the period imho. The character you mention was the infamous Sparky himself! Although it's claimed that he arrived in a spaceship and was intended to be a space alien, he certainly looked like an amalgamation of all of the very worst turn of the century racist stereotypes. He was long gone before I started reading.
  • Zero
    From Cote D'or: A cold and fondant filling coated in a thin crunchy layer of Côte d'Or chocolate. A shiver of pleasure for the mouth ! Available in three different varieties : milk, fondant & white.
  • Zero
    Yes yes! These were my absolute favourite thing ever! They came double wrapped with a foil paper on the outside and a dark brown greaseproof wrap on the inside. You stuck them in the fridge for an hour before eating. They were sporadically imported into the UK during the late eighties/early nineties which is why most people don't remember them. The manufacturer is the Belgian company Cote D'or. And they still make them today!

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