Simon Lipscombe


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  • Alias the Jester
    I recently got hold of the complete series on dvd from HMV for 2 quid!! What a bargain to relieve memories of a sadly forgotten series.
  • Sensible Children (public info film)
    God, don't remind me. Scared the life out of me. Most terrfifying ad EVER. Bring em back I say.
  • R Whites Lemonade Advert
    God that song stuck in my head, still sing it to myself whenever I see a bottle of it. He was wearing really naff pyjamas as well if I remember correctly. Classic.
  • Big Trouble In Little China
    One of my guilty pleasures, Kurt Russell just cracks me up in this. "A six demon bag, sensational, whats in it Egg?" God it made me laugh. Get it on dvd, well worth it.

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