Bands and musicians BANDS

Bucks Fizz

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Eighties band who found fame following their outstanding win at the Eurovision Song Contest. The group comprised Bobby G, Jay Aston, Mike Nolan, Cheryl Baker and Shelley Preston and had several number one hits with songs including "Making Your Mind Up" and "Land of Make Believe".

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Do You Remember Bucks Fizz?

Do You Remember Bucks Fizz?

  • Anonymous user
    I think "Land of Make Believe" is a fabulous song. I'm too young to remember this band when they came out, but I discovered this song recently on a compilation CD I bought. I loved it immediately.
  • Anonymous user
    My mate is a sales rep and frequently rings me up from Northern show bar/hotels were the Brotherhood of Man and Bucks Fizz are performing! Bucks Fizz are now two seperate bands; one contains Bobby G and the other is Mike, Cheryl and Shelley. I always liked the song 'New Beginning' myself.
  • Anonymous user
    Got some great black & White photos from their Newcastle gig Pre-crash era Jay was really hot
  • Anonymous user
    I remember when they won the eurovision contest i was on the edge of my seat hoping they would win, i loved them ever since.. seen them live 9 times.. even met the boys at a phone box at one of the gigs..bobby let me use the phone before him!! i was shaking with excitement!! have every record and album they made still got them! not so keen on the newest members ill always prefer the originals.Was devestated when they had the coach crash in newcastle i cried for days till mike came out of his coma..i sent him a get well card..that was the day he woke up!! im trying to trace and download some original videos as ive lost mine but no luck yet.
  • Anonymous user
    yep! I was mad on Bucks Fizz! my fav being Bobby Gee, had all their records, posters, paper cuttings from when they won the Eurovision. My Friends and I used to do all their dance routines in the playground at school. Oh the days!!! Saw them in concert just the once when they came to Nottingham concert hall in 1984. Great memories. Still have some songs on my PC, which I always put on at partys/BBQ's.
  • Anonymous user
    I still have the artwork poster that came with The Land Of Make Believe.
  • Anonymous user
    I bought My Camera never Lies and got a huge poster with it. It stayed on my wall for years! I loved Jay Aston! Bucks Fizz ended for me when she left in 1985. Glad to see shes making a come back!
    • Anonymous user
      met them in Rome doing a tv show I was in a girl group at the time four of them wires kind and lovely popping into our dressing room and having a laugh but sadly JAY didn't she was moody and unpleasant the other guys said she's always like that .....thats why she left ....well let go as they say .....she must of git nicer to get back in
  • Anonymous user
    At 30 years of age, I am still more than happy to chill out listening to some Bucks Fizz. It had been a while since I'd listened to them until recently when 4 of their albums were released on CD. Saw them in concert twice (84,85, both with Shelley). Also have their video collection. Most people I know only remember Bucks Fizz for Making Your Mind Up & The Land of Make Believe, which for me are two of their worst. Fantastic group that should have been more appreciated. Pretty sure they're still going today (playing bingo halls etc...) but with only one original member (actually 2 bucks fizz's - one with bobby g and the other with mike nolan and Dollar's David Van Day), but as a fan of the original (and shelly)Fizz, I refuse to accept them as anything more than a tribute ban!
  • Anonymous user
    I thought they were the best band that in the world, ever when i was 12!I brought every sort of Bucks Fizz merchendise, and brought all their records.I still have the Land of make believe single where you got a pull out poster and there was a piece of art work on it.I found it fairly recently, and it looks newer than it did when i brought it over 20 years ago!
  • Anonymous user
    I went to see them in concert when they came to the Birchwood Arena many moons ago. That was before Jay left & the coach crash. I have some of their records. 'Cant stand the heat', 'Talking in your sleep','I hear talk.